€ 4,50 per hour
€ 45,00 Daily maximum rate
€ 8,00 evening flat rate
(17:00h to 02:00h)
€ 85,00 Weekly ticket
€ 249,00 Montly ticket
Weekly and monthly tickets are available directly from the ticket machines.
€ 4,00 € per hour
€ 40,00 Daily maximum rate
Cheaper for regular customer:
Register once and in future park without a ticket and cash with monthly billing. ou can find more information HERE.
€ 229,00 per month
plus 30% winter surcharge
from November to March
€ 189,00 per month
with 12 months running time
In the new part:
€ 189,00 per month
Conveniently book your desired parking period in advance (no ticket required, automatic licence plate recognition):
Minimum booking period 3 days
Maximum booking period 31 days
9 Electric charging stations
Order your BOE PARK & CHARGE charging card now!
Hotline for technical support
permanently open / 0-24
411 parking spaces
Access Hamerlinggasse
Maximum entrance height:
Altstadt Graz