€ 2,20 per hour
€ 6,00 Flat rate between 6 pm and midnight
Please select "Pauschale" when paying.
Payment of the flat rate is possible only at the automatic pay station.
€ 17,60 Daily maximum rate
€ 53,20 Weekly ticket
€ 141,90 Monthly ticket
Weekly and monthly tickets are available directly from the ticket machines.
€ 2,00 per hour
€ 6,00 Flat rate between 6 pm and midnight
€ 16,00 Daily maximum rate
Cheaper for regular customer:
Register once and in future park without a ticket and cash with monthly billing. You can find more information HERE.
Conveniently book your desired parking period in advance (no ticket required, automatic licence plate recognition):
Minimum booking period 3 days
Maximum booking period 31 days
14 Electric charging stations
permanently open / 0-24
541 parking spaces
Hermine Jursa Gasse to the left of entry and exit
Hermine Jursa Gasse at the corner of Maria-Jacobi-Gasse (next to the roundabout)
Maximum height: 2,30m
From the first floor upwards: 2,10m
Tram 71
Marx Halle
Globe Wien